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Grand Canyon 2015
Grand Canyon 2015
UC Davis Classes
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A Tale of Three Species: Invasive species control and endangered species management in the Southwestern US. Saltcedar, leaf beetles and the Southwestern willow flycatcher
An Economic Analysis of Protected Areas and Grand Canyon River Rafting
Biological Soil Crusts: Ecological Roles and Effects of Disturbance in Desert Systems
Can Humpback Chub and a Blue Ribbon Trout Fishery Coexist in the Grand Canyon?
Climate Change, Development, and Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in Grand Canyon National Park
Colorado River Basin Salinity
Dynamics and Evolution of Tributary Alluvial Fans in the Grand Canyon below Glen Canyon Dam
Endangered species and adaptive management in the Grand Canyon
Flooding and Riparian Vegetation and Nutrient Cycling in the Grand Canyon
High Flow Experiments and Sediment Transport in the Grand Canyon
Native Fish of the Grand Canyon
Operations and Tradeoffs of the Colorado River
Pre- and post-dam shifts in vegetation throughout the Grand Canyon: What do novel systems mean for management?
Pre-Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Grand Canyon, AZ
The ecology and history of livestock and wildlife grazing in and around Grand Canyon National Park
Theories on the Age of the Grand Canyon
Tribal Relations and Conflicts around the Grand Canyon National Park
Upper Colorado River Basin Flows and Paleohydrology