UC Davis Courses

Coastal Ecogeomorphology: Baja 2024

The course familiarizes student participants with the geology, oceanography, coastal dynamics, ecology, and other sciences and research relevant to Bahía de Loreto, the Gulf of California, and Baja California more broadly.

Grand Canyon 2023

An extension of previous Ecogeomorphology Grand Canyon classes, this class was held in winter quarter of 2023.

San Juan 2022

The course brought together students from different scientific backgrounds to study the San Juan River watershed, covering ecology, geomorphology, and management through classroom sessions and literature reviews. It culminated in a seven-day rafting trip for field data collection and analysis.

Grand Canyon 2020

An extension of previous Ecogeomorphology Grand Canyon classes, this class was held in winter quarter of 2020.

Yampa-Green 2019

The course examined the ecology, geomorphology, and management of the unregulated Yampa River in comparison to the regulated Green River, with participation from undergraduate and graduate students across various scientific disciplines. Through classroom instruction, literature reviews, and a seven-day rafting expedition on both rivers, students conducted field data collection and analysis as a culmination of their study.

Grand Canyon 2018

An extension of previous Ecogeomorphology Grand Canyon classes, this class was held in winter quarter of 2018.

Tuolumne River 2018

This class was a field-based multidisciplinary study of the ecology, geomorphology and management of rivers in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, with a focus on the Tuolumne River watershed.

Grand Canyon 2017

An extension of previous Ecogeomorphology Grand Canyon classes, this class was held in winter quarter of 2017.

Grand Canyon 2016

An extension of previous Ecogeomorphology classes, this class teaches student participants about the geology, ecology, and management issues associated with the Grand Canyon and Colorado River.

Tuolumne River 2016

This course seeks to introduced advanced undergraduate students to multidisciplinary collaborative watershed and stream analysis through combined laboratory and field study of a selected stream system. Topics relating to management of stream systems were discussed throughout with emphasis on the management of Sierra Nevada rivers in California.

Grand Canyon 2015

This 3 unit graduate seminar will 1) familiarize student participants with the geology, ecology and management issues associated with the Grand Canyon and Colorado River in the context of global change, and 2) encourage students to become class “experts” in some critical issue or concept relevant to river science in the context of global change.

Tuolumne River 2015

This class was a field-based multidisciplinary study of the ecology, geomorphology and management of rivers in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, with a focus on the Tuolumne River watershed.

Grand Canyon 2014

This 3 unit graduate seminar will 1) familiarize student participants with the geology, ecology and management issues associated with the Grand Canyon and Colorado River in the context of global change, and 2) encourage students to become class “experts” in some critical issue or concept relevant to river science in the context of global change.

Tuolumne River 2014

This class was a field-based multidisciplinary study of the ecology, geomorphology and management of rivers in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, with a focus on the Tuolumne River watershed.

Grand Canyon 2013

Similar to past Ecogeomorphology classes, this year's Graduate class studied the geology, ecology and management of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.

Tuolumne River 2013

This course introduced advanced undergraduate and early graduate students to multidisciplinary collaborative watershed and stream analysis through combined laboratory and field study of a selected river system. Topics relating to management of river systems were discussed throughout with emphasis on the management of Sierra Nevada rivers in California.

Grand Canyon 2012

This year's goal: to get to know some geology, ecology, and management issues of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

Chilko-Chilcotin-Fraser Rivers 2011

This year's ecogeomorphology course studied the geology, hydrology, and ecology of headwater lakes and river systems of the Chilko-Chilcotin River system in British Columbia, Canada.

Geomorphology: Santa Cruz Island 2010

The Northern Channel Islands of the Southern California Bight offer a unique opportunity to study the interplay between terrestrial and nearshore processes in an active tectonic setting. These islands are part of the western Transverse Ranges, formed by regional deformation and rotation adjacent to the San Andreas Fault. Santa Cruz Island is the largest of these islands.

Water Management and the Tuolumne River 2010

This applied workshop featured analyses of contemporary environmental problems in a multidisciplinary fashion. Students were exposed to both environmental science and policy, tackling some of the toughest issues facing California: water resources, multiple downstream demands, and climate change adaptation. By using the Tuolumne River as a case study, students had the opportunity to learn about the history and future of this landmark river in our nation's history.

Tuolumne River 2009

This class was a field-based multidisciplinary study of the ecology, geomorphology and management of rivers in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, with a focus on the Tuolumne River watershed.

Kobuk River 2008

This Ecogeomorphology course examined the most critical issue facing arctic and sub-arctic aquatic ecosystems: global climate change. Students conducted a two-week field study of the Kobuk River watershed, located above the Arctic Circle in northern Alaska.

Grande Ronde River 2007

The lower Grande Ronde River, which flows through regions with distinctly different geomorphic and climatic conditions, provided a great opportunity to examine the nature of longitudinal gradients in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem characteristics.

Green River 2006

In spring quarter of 2006, this Ecogeomorphology course studied the Green River from the tailwaters below Flaming Gorge Dam through the Gates of Lodore, past the confluence with the unregulated Yampa River, ending at Split Mountain in Dinosaur National Monument.

Grand Canyon 2005

An experimental release from Glen Canyon Dam in November of 2004 created a unique opportunity to examine the geomorphic and ecologic response of releases on the health of Grand Canyon ecosystems.

Skeena River 2004

Students from diverse backgrounds worked in cooperative research teams to collect and analyze field data from the Skeena River watershed (British Columbia), one of the largest un-dammed rivers in North America . Students studied patterns of geomorphology, hydrology, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and salmonid diversity in multiple tributaries to the Skeena River.

Scott River 2003

Students from diverse backgrounds worked in collaborative research teams to collect and analyze field data from the Scott River watershed, a tributary to the Klamath River system. Teams reported on a key ecological issue within the watershed: what characterizes rearing habitat for juvenile Coho salmon in the Scott River watershed and how can this be applied to on-going restoration strategies?

Copper River 2002

Taught for the first time in 2002, the Shlemon Field Ecogeomorphology Course focused on the interdisciplinary analysis of the Copper River watershed in Alaska. This two week excursion provided students with an immersive experiential experience to study the geology, hydrology, ecology, and fisheries of the Copper River.