Photo Galleries
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Lees Ferry --> Phantom

San Juan
2020 Grand Canyon

Take Out - Split Mountain

Put in - Deerlodge Park

Day 6 Island Park

Day 5 Jones Hole

Day 4 Box Elder

Day 3 Laddie Park

Day 2 Harding Hole

Day 1 Teepee Hole

Grand Canyon

Putah Creek

Tuolumne River

Tuolumne Meadows

Mainstem Tuolumne

MF Tuolumne

SF American

Lower Tuolumne

2016 Winter Grand Canyon

Tuolumne Meadows

Lower Tuolumne
Tuolumne River (Sarah's Photos)

Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne

Early Intake - Preston Falls

Hetch Hetchy

Merals Pool

Lembert Dome

Chinese Camp


Lower Tuolumne

Upper Canyon

Lower Canyon
2013 Tuolumne

Tuolumne River Field Trip

Putah Creek Field Day

Scenic Photos

River Rafting

Islands & Large Woody Debris

Group Photos

Field Work

Waves and Sea Cliff Erosion

Santa Cruz Island Surface Processes

Santa Cruz Island Geology

People and Scenics

2009 Spring: Tuolumne River
Google Drive

Collection Sites

Kobuk Wildlife


Fishes of the Kobuk
Scenic Shots

Expedition Participants

Field Work

Sample Sites


2007 Spring: Grande Ronde River

2006 Spring: Green River

2005 Winter: Grand Canyon



Day 15 Smithers to San Francisco

Day 14 Kispiox to Smithers

Day 13 Island Camp to Small Bar Camp

Day 12 Pratt Falls Creek

Day 11 Larkworthy Creek and Beaver Creeks

Day 10 Terrace Creek

Day 9 Sheladamus and Willow Flat Creeks

Day 8 Poison Creek

Day 7 Birthday Jack and Tally Creeks

Day 6 Kitlangus Creek

Day 5 Spectacle Creek

Day 4 Side Channel Creek

Day 3 Mosque River to Side Channel Camp

Day 2 Smithers to Mosque Creek

Day 1 San Francisco to Smithers
August 1, 2004

Lagunitas Creek (Marin County), California

Bear Creek (Shasta County), California

South Fork of the American River, California (2004 Spring)
People (2003 Spring)

Time Off (2003 Spring)

Scenic Pictures and Spectacular Views (2003 Spring)

Mill Creek (2003 Spring Scott River)

May Reconnoissance Field Trip (2003 Spring Scott River)
May Field Trip (2003 Spring Scott River)
June Field Work (2003 Spring Scott River)

Emigrant Creek (2003 Spring Scott River)

Electro-Fishing (2003 Spring Scott River)

Miner Creek (2003 Spring Scott River)

Sugar Creek (2003 Spring Scott River)

French Creek (Spring 2003 Scott River)

Spring 2002: Copper River (Travel after the River)

Spring 2002: Copper River (Pre-Trip Prep)
Spring 2002: Copper River Day 13
Spring 2002: Copper River Day 12
Spring 2002: Copper River Day 11
Spring 2002: Copper River Day 10
Spring 2002: Copper River Day 9

Spring 2002: Copper River Day 8

Spring 2002: Copper River Day 7

Copper River Day 6

Copper River Day 5
Spring 2002: Copper River Day 4
Copper River Day 3
2002 Spring: Copper River (Day 2)

2002 Spring: Copper River (Day 1)

2014 Spring: Tuolumne River
More photos available.

2015 Spring: Tuolumne River

2019 Spring: Yampa-Green

2016 Spring: Tuolumne River

2014 Winter: Grand Canyon

2011 Spring: Chilko-Chilcotin-Fraser Rivers

2007 Spring: Grande Ronde River

2006 Spring: Green River

2005 Winter: Grand Canyon

2004 Spring: Skeena River

2003 Spring: Scott River