Summary of current water management to meet water supply demand and the threat of flooding. Topics addressed include the basics of water availability (precipitation, movement/storage, quality), an assessment of flow volume and value for economy and the environment, and an overview of the institutions managing water.
Primary Reading
- Chapter 2, pages 71-134
Primary Video:
- Jay Lund: California's Water, Insurmountable Opportunities (Video 53min, 2013)
Additional Readings & Videos by topic:
Water Availability
- Jay Lund: Water Supply Reliability (Video, 56 min, 2019) (Presentation notes, 2019)
- Graham Fogg: Overview of CA Groundwater (Video, 38 min, 2014)
- California's groundwater problems and prospects (Reading, 7 pp., 2013)
- CA water myths - Groundwater & Surface Water (Reading, 2009)
- CA DWR Bulletin 118: CA Groundwater (Reading, 2003)
- Addressing Nitrate in California's Drinking Water, 2012 (Reading)
Water Use
- Water - who uses how much? (Reading, 2011)
- Water use in California (Reading, 2014)
Cost of Water
- Richard Howitt: Water Economics (Video, 41 min, 2014)
Management Overview
- CA water myths – Flood Management (Reading, 2009)
- Chapter 4 and 5, Water Primer, Legislative Analyst's Office (Reading, 2008)
Funding Water Services
- Mark Cowin: California's Integrated Water Management (Video, 4 min, 2013)
- Funding water services in California (Reading, 2014)
water use, value of water, water availability, reservoir, levee, water quality, storage, dam, agency, district, management, utility, cost, infrastructure, groundwater mining, overdraft