Primary Reading:
- Chapter 6, pages 253-314
Primary Video:
Additional Readings & Videos by Topic:
Water Supply: Conservation, Conjunctive Use, Water Reuse
- Management, Economics and Engineering Perspectives on Reconciliation Ecology (Video, 28 min, 2014)
- Importance of Upper Watershed Management to Water Supply (Reading, 2014)
- Successful Groundwater Management and Banking Programs (Reading, 2013)
Water Quality: Pollution Management & Response
- Salinity Management in the Delta During Drought (Reading, 2014)
- Desalination, Menachem Elimelech (Video, 2012)
- Direct Potable Reuse and wastewater treatment technologies, George Tchobanoglous (Video, 2015)
Flood Management: Preparation, Response, Recovery
- Lund, J.R.,"Flood Management in California" (Reading, 12 pages, 2012)
- What the New Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Means for Sacramento Area Levees (Video, 60 min, 2013)
Integrated Water Management
- Mark Cowin: California's Integrated Water Management (Video, 26 min, 2013)
Conjunctive use, Water pricing, Water banks, Urban conservation, Water markets